Saturday, May 4, 2019
Gender and Women's Right's Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gender and Womens Rights - Research Paper ExampleThe articles give accounts of the steps and what it has taken women to accomplish the positions they currently enjoy. The articles paint to us the picture of the path taken by women to attain the positions, roles and responsibilities they h aged today. I will offer a critical analysis in this paper on the positions held by the writers of the article. In this paper I will also offer critical analysis on the way the writers collapse portrayed the pairing and their perception about marriage. The first article is titled Rosie the Riveter written by Quick Paddy. The article dwells on the experience of women in the period we are at right instanter as well as the myths that need parryed it fro years. It looks at the role of women in the production sphere and various ideologies that have breathed life to it1. The article not only focuses on the myths that have surround issues to do with women solely also but also the source of it. The se cond article is titled white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (wives as senior partners) written by Maxine p. Atkinson and Jacqueline boles. This article explore the pattern of marriage by counselling in the unique and new kind of marriage in which women are senior than men. Women take the roles that were antecedently traditionally male occupations and responsibilities within the families. The third article is titled whats love got to do with it, by w. Bradford and Steven l. nock both of university of Virginia. The article digs deeper into, the mens emotions in marriage and on the former(a) side talks of womens quality in marriage. The article suggests the best marriage is when both old and new things in marriage are combined. Paddy quick is so quick to rush to judgments without big(a) the whole account of the story that captures both women and men side. Quick is not macrocosm fair by highlighting the blight of only one charr Rose the riveter. He is suggesting that the blight of one woma n is the same for all other women2. He also at some point describes women as being patriotic a point I strongly condemn because everybody is patriotic and none of us being a citizen of a country thunder mug affords not to be patriotic. He also argues that women were being suppress in the past which is completely untrue because we certainly came from somewhere and heading to somewhere and there is no way things could have just happen. He should have recognized the facts of our origin. Since the beginning of this world men were always leading in terms of role and those days the work done by men were majorly forcible and couldnt be done by women. He also highlights that the husband denies Rose to work but fails to tell us why the husband couldnt let her work. Quick also suggests that the fall of women in the work force in period between 1945 and 1946 was due to return of men to take up their job which I also find it untrue. The exit of women in the workforce around that time can no t be solely attributed to men. During that time there was also economic depression and that must have played a part in women exiting workforce3. Men could not have also taken women jobs because bulk of them returned from war wounded and incapable to work while some needed to rest. Maxine P. Atkinson is suggesting another pattern of marriage that he sees as good and progressive. I totally disagree with it because for marriage to be happy what ought to be changed is not the pattern but the spouses involved have to come together talk openly and urge out issues by discussing the best way for
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