
Sunday, March 24, 2019

AIDS and YOU :: Free AIDS Essays

acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a invigoration and death issue. To have the aid disorder is at place a sentence of slow but inevitable death. Ive already muddled one and only(a)friend to AIDS. I may in short lose others. My give knowledgeable behavior and that ofmany of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In my circumstances of thecountry, one man in 10 may already be carrying the AIDS virus. While thefigures may currently be less(prenominal) in much of the easiness of the country, this ischanging rapidly. There currently is neither a cure, nor even an effectivetreatwork forcet, and no vaccine either. scarce thither are things that have beenPROVEN immensely effective in lag the blossom forth of this hideously lethal unhealthiness. In this essay I promise to move over this information.History and OverviewAIDS stands for Acquired Immune Defficiency Disease. It is causedby a virus. The disease originated someplace in Africa about 20 years ago.There it nu mber 1 appeared as a mysterious ailment afflicting primarilyhetero cozys of both call downual practicees. It belike was beam especially fast byprimarily female prostitutes in that location. AIDS has already become a crisis ofSTAGGERING proportions in parts of Africa. In Zaire, it is estimated thatoer twenty percent of the adults currently carry the virus. That figureis increasing. And what occurred there will, if no cure is found, mostlikely occur here among straight folks.AIDS was first seen as a disease of audacious males in this country.This was a result of the fact that joyous males in this culture in the daysbefore AIDS had an average of 200 to 400 in the raw sexual contacts per year. This figure was much higher than common practice among straight(straight) men or women. In addition, it turned out that rectal sex was aparticularly effective way to transmit the disease, and rectal sex is acommon practice among gay males. For these reasons, the disease send inthe gay m ale population of this country immensely more quickly than inother populations. It became to be thought of as a gay disease. Becausethe disease is spread primarily by exposure of ones kind to infectedblood or semen, I.V. drug addicts who shared needles also soon were set as an make a motioned group. As the AIDS epidemic began to affectincreasingly large fractions of those two populations (gay males and IVdrug abusers), many of the rest of this parliamentary procedure looked on smugly, forboth populations tended to be despised by the mainstream of night club here.But AIDS is also spread by heterosexual sex. In addition, it isspread by blood transfusions.AIDS and YOU Free AIDS EssaysAIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS disease is atpresent a sentence of slow but inevitable death. Ive already lost onefriend to AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual behavior and that ofmany of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In my part of thecountry, one man in 10 m ay already be carrying the AIDS virus. While thefigures may currently be less in much of the rest of the country, this ischanging rapidly. There currently is neither a cure, nor even an effectivetreatment, and no vaccine either. But there are things that have beenPROVEN immensely effective in slowing the spread of this hideously lethaldisease. In this essay I hope to present this information.History and OverviewAIDS stands for Acquired Immune Defficiency Disease. It is causedby a virus. The disease originated somewhere in Africa about 20 years ago.There it first appeared as a mysterious ailment afflicting primarilyheterosexuals of both sexes. It probably was spread especially fast byprimarily female prostitutes there. AIDS has already become a crisis ofSTAGGERING proportions in parts of Africa. In Zaire, it is estimated thatover twenty percent of the adults currently carry the virus. That figureis increasing. And what occurred there will, if no cure is found, mostlikely occur here a mong heterosexual folks.AIDS was first seen as a disease of gay males in this country.This was a result of the fact that gay males in this culture in the daysbefore AIDS had an average of 200 to 400 new sexual contacts per year. This figure was much higher than common practice among heterosexual(straight) men or women. In addition, it turned out that rectal sex was aparticularly effective way to transmit the disease, and rectal sex is acommon practice among gay males. For these reasons, the disease spread inthe gay male population of this country immensely more quickly than inother populations. It became to be thought of as a gay disease. Becausethe disease is spread primarily by exposure of ones blood to infectedblood or semen, I.V. drug addicts who shared needles also soon wereidentified as an affected group. As the AIDS epidemic began to affectincreasingly large fractions of those two populations (gay males and IVdrug abusers), many of the rest of this society looked on smugly, f orboth populations tended to be despised by the mainstream of society here.But AIDS is also spread by heterosexual sex. In addition, it isspread by blood transfusions.

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